Are you a morning, afternoon or evening person? Study when you are most alert. If you are a morning person, get up an hour earlier than normal and study then. If you prefer to stay up late at night, study during this time. Make sure you study in a place where you're not going to be disturbed. You may prefer to study at a desk or a table, but you might lie on the floor or on your bed when you study. If you do this, here's a word of warning. Don't lie in the same position as you do when you're sleeping. If you do, you are likely to fall asleep.
You might like to study outside. Take your notes with you to the nearest park, riverside or beach. Others might like to study in the shower. Write your notes out, laminate them or put them in a plastic bag and stick them high up in the shower. Read them while you're shampooing.
Use plenty of colour in your notes. You'll not only be able to see them more clearly through the water, but the colour will help you remember more.
The worst time to study is one hour straight after school. remember to take time after school to refresh and relax for an hour and then complete homework, assignments and study.
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